Dennis Yu


Exposing the 4-Hour Workweek Myth: The Reality of Entrepreneurship

Let’s chat about this whole 4-hour workweek thing that’s been floating around. You know, that idea where you’re sipping a cocktail on a beach, working just a few hours a week, and everything magically falls into place? Well, reality check—it’s not as simple as it sounds, especially for those diving into your careers or hustling […]

Exposing the 4-Hour Workweek Myth: The Reality of Entrepreneurship Read More »

When you speak your goals, the universe will conspire to achieve them

6 years ago, Mark Wagner, had a mission to build a software company. Here’s his YouTube live: And today, he is a co-founder at Gantry Technologies, creating dashboards for companies who want to get the most out of their Kubernetes infrastructure. Most people are afraid to vocalize their goals– keeping them inside, fearful that letting

When you speak your goals, the universe will conspire to achieve them Read More »

Extreme ownership has taught me that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders.

Extreme Ownership has taught me that… This morning, one of my managers requested a raise to the highest pay tier in the company. And he requested that we promote a few other people to the manager. He has the worst-performing team in the company by far. A younger Dennis would have been mad— I would

Extreme ownership has taught me that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders. Read More »

Leverage your weak connections for a network boost.

Winning Ugly

I’m exhausted from staying up late the last couple of nights getting stuff done. This is called WINNING UGLY– where you win, but not gracefully. I’ve found that entrepreneurship, as portrayed on social media, is not glamorous. It’s WINNING UGLY– those mundane moments where you’re grinding out documents, dealing with unhappy customers, and being frustrated

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Remember I told you this was coming

The next wave of millionaires and billionaires is coming from the health sector. Baby boomers are getting older– leading to chronic health problems that traditional medicine (pills and surgery) doesn’t have an answer to. Growth-minded entrepreneurs and mid-career professionals are overworked and stressed out– facing problems that cannot be solved by more coffee and working

Remember I told you this was coming Read More »

Limiting Beliefs

+++I’m not being paid enough.– employee mindset +++I need to create more value so I can earn more.– owner mindset +++It’s THAT person’s fault, not my problem.– employee mindset +++How can I solve problems instead of creating them?– owner mindset If you’re struggling to pay bills, get your projects done, or get out from under

Limiting Beliefs Read More »

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